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Looking for Cathey Family Genealogy?
Because of the name of our company web site, we often get visitors to Cathey.com who are searching for their Cathey family roots.
We are doing the same.
If you are one of our distant, or not-so-distant, cousins, we welcome knowledge of you and your family. The best person here for you to contact is Gordon Cathey, gordon@cathey.com.

We are not genealogists, so we have very little to offer you beyond kinship.
We currently manage a very small web site devoted only to the family ties of the descendants of our own grandparents, James Earl Cathey and Gertrude Victoria Land Cathey. It contains what little we know of our Cathey family tree, and it has some interesting information about our grandmother's family, the Lands. While it will not greatly assist you in genealogic research, you are welcome to visit it, if you wish, at

A tiny intro to Cathey history:
Cathey is a Scots-Irish name that is one of many modern family names derived from the ancient Scottish Clan Macfie. All modern Catheys are assumed to be direct descendants from the old Clan Macfie.
Most Catheys in America are descended from James Cathey, who emigrated from Ireland in 1718. James was part of the Scots-Irish or Ulster-Scots immigration to America that occurred throughout the 18th century. The Scots-Irish had emigrated from Scotland to Ireland in the previous century.
Cathey Reunion Association is an officially recognized Clan Macfie Society.
You can read about Clan Macfie and some about Cathey Reunion Association on the official clan web site. Begin on this page: http://www.clanmacfie.co.uk/clanhome/societies.php
Cathey Reunion Association publishes a newsletter named "Cathey Kith & Kin" and you can subscribe to it. (More about this below.)
Other research resources for you:
You might try the online Cathey Family Forum at genforum.genealogy.com/cathey. We would recommend that you study the many posts and conversations there before entering your own request for help. You may find what you seek, just by reading the forum.
One participant there is Boyt H. Cathey, who, in 1993, published the still-premier work on Catheys in North America, "Cathey Family History and Genealogy, Vol. 1 (1700-1900)." Unfortunately this book is no longer in print, and we would dearly love to obtain a copy for ourselves.
Boyt's data base of genealogy for many branches of the family tree is now maintained by John R. Cathey, who is also the primary researcher for Cathey Reunion Association and editor of the association's newsletter, "Cathey Kith & Kin." So, John has taken on the massive task of being the total go-to guy for all of us inquisitive Catheys. You can contact John at cath3112@bellsouth.net—please say "Thank you!"
FaceBook has at least two groups for all Catheys -- try these links:

If you know of or find other valuable or fun resources, please let us know. We will use them ourselves, and we will post them here for others.
Thank you.


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